
We develop and grow as Christians not in isolation, but as a family, a community of people who believe in Christ and the salvation that comes to us through Him.  Baptism is welcoming a new child or person into this family ~ the family of the Church and more particularly, the family, the community of St. Gerard, Lima, Ohio.

Baptisms will be scheduled at times to meet the needs of the family.  

Choosing Godparents: In June, 2024, the Diocese of Toledo adopted new rules and regulations regarding Godparents. These are requirements enumerated in the Code of Canon Law, can. 874. In an attempt to establish a unified approach when asking persons to serve as Godparents, a few reminders are listed below:

Godparent Eligibility Form must be filled out in advance of each baptism by the potential Godparent and retained by the parish of the baptism of the child.

A person may have one or two Godparents who are at least sixteen years of age and have been fully initiated into the Catholic Church. If two Godparents are chosen, one should be female and the other male. If only one Catholic Godparent is selected, then the person may have one Christian Witness who is a baptized member of another ecclesial community. The appellation “Christian Witness” follows the name of the individual in the record to distinguish the role from that of a Godparent. If a Catholic Godparent cannot be present at the time of baptism, a Proxy may represent them. The name of the Proxy would be included in the baptismal record along with the appellation “Proxy” following the person’s name.

The Catholic Godparent is a witness who practices their faith by attending Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation, receiving Holy Communion at least once a year during the Easter Season, celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and strives to live a virtuous life reflected in the Ten Commandments and the teachings of the Church. If the potential Godparent is married, their marriage would have been celebrated in the Church or regularized/recognized in the Church. Should the possible Godparent have been married civilly or if they are cohabiting then they would not, at this time, be able to serve as a Godparent.

Scheduling a Baptism:  To schedule a Baptism, please call Shandra Parker or Sue Nocera at the parish office, 419-224-3080. Feel free to download the following forms that must be returned to the parish office before scheduling the baptism. Once the forms have been returned to the parish office, a priest will contact you to set up a time to meet with you and schedule the baptism.




Every Wednesday ~ 6:00 p.m.

Every Saturday ~ from 4:00 – 4:30 p.m.


The Holy Eucharist is the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.  They were given to us by Christ so that we may enter into union with Him and His love.  The Eucharist removes our venial sins from our soul and is a great aid in avoiding the temptation to commit mortal sins.  The Holy Eucharist is composed of the bread and the wine, which are Consecrated by the priest into the Body and Blood of Jesus at Mass.  Children in the second grade will be eligible to being the preparation for First Eucharist.


For Catholics, the Sacrament of Marriage, or Holy Matrimony, is a public sign that one gives oneself totally to this other person.  It is also a public statement about God:  the loving union of husband and wife speaks of family values and also God’s values. To be married in St. Gerard Church, you must meet with one of our priests at least six months before your wedding date. The priest you select will meet with you approximately 4-6 times before your wedding. You must also take a Pre-Cana class offered by the Diocese of Toledo. Please call the Parish Office at 419-224-3080 for more information.


In the Sacrament of Holy Orders, or Ordination, the priest being ordained vows to lead other Catholics by bringing them the sacraments (especially the Eucharist), by proclaiming the Gospel and by providing other means to holiness.


The Catholic sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, formerly known as Last Rites or Extreme Unction, is a ritual of healing appropriate not only for physical, but also for mental and spiritual sickness. If you or a loved one are in need of this Anointing, please call the Parish Office at 419-224-3080.